Hows that brainwashing working out?
Hows that brainwashing working out?
Notch has managed to produce a one hit wonder so far, the brand Minecraft is the only thing worth that amount of money.
What does that even mean? Im just trying to be helpful by informing you, but if you want to remain ignorant of what took place then thats fine by me.
No one claimed anything about a review, but that should tell you something about your source.
I think you missed the origin of this shitstorm, which was that zoe quinn had gotten favorable exposure of her game by gaming "journalist" she had relationships with. Unfortunatly this got hijacked by personal attacks on her when it wasnt even she that was acting unprofessional. Look it up for more details, or dont ^^
That might be true in your subjective opinion, but in my experience some of the nicest people ive met are gamers.
I cant wait for kotaku to twist this story xD
Only because he decided to cease development on his next game, but he can restart his career anytime he likes or just fuck off and enjoy his wealth for a few years ^^ When you're good at what you do you dont need to be liked.
Tell that to my teenage self who watched that movie dussins of times ^^
I didnt mind it, its open to interpretation i think. But the first seasons are definetly superior.
Yeah or maybe if you have t-rex arms that contraption might be harmless to muscles and tendons in your shoulders :P
yeah thats the point about staying comfortable, but i guess its comfy if you're related to an octopus :D
Yeah that looks "comfortable" if you like hunching your shoulders.
I dont think so, big part of the appeal is that minecraft is open to mods. And besides once the community forms around a game (much like wow) people keep coming back.
I dont think thats what made wow popular at all, when i played in vanilla it was plenty popular and not really casual at all. Wow was successful because it came out at the right time, im willing to bet wildstar is waaaay more player friendly than wow was for the first few years.
Dont worry lots of "cool" flaming armor-sets aswell.
Yeah you earn skins from PvE, Crafting, Tradingpost and buy them from Gemstore. There's no thing such as exclusive loot-tables for mobs though, so from dungeons you earn tokens and buy the armor.