Nah beards are for lucky people who can grow one :( Check you beard-privilege people !
Nah beards are for lucky people who can grow one :( Check you beard-privilege people !
How did Double Fine "hide and manipulate" in your opinion? They were pretty straight with backers that they needed to split of game to get more funds.
For me it doesnt harm the platform at all, it harms the people involved in this project. Kickstarter is a fantastic plaform its not hurt at all by this shitty project (i considered donating on it but it looked like garbage from the start so i didnt)
Thats the only reason people gave them money, the product they showed in the pitch looked like garbage and the developer was pretty unknown afaik.
What do you mean they dont have personalities? And you dont need to respect them just recognise they do something people enjoy, also alot of it is aimed at children so thats like saying you dont respect sesame street.
Thats just your apathy speaking :) Sorry for reading too much into one sentence then !
Lots of people dont look backwards for games and only want the newest shit
You just see a fat guy thinks anything he does is sad huh, that was some great delivery and improv right there and nailed the voice too.
Yes those days of hyping myself into a frenzy are long gone, too many times in the past have i hung around on forums obsessing over a game and that just ends with disappointment.
I remember the En Masse (US publisher of the game) forums used to have alot of women on it and it was generally considered to have a big female fanbase at the time (release). I only played the game for a couple of months so i dont know how it is now a days. The hate comes from haters as usual and not people who…
I played though it and enjoyed it but get it on sale or something because its not that memorable and one of those games you only play once.
I might have worded that poorly, i mean as a someone who reads alot of different fantasy i think it's not very creative world building. But still thats only my personal opinion :)
Yeah it's just so cliche, bland and boring. It might be great for some people but for fans of fantasy it's not really exciting stuff.
Because it feels way better than jerking off? If there's nothing wrong with buying that vibrating neck-massager that you dont need then there's nothing wrong with a dick-tube :D
What if it's magic?
Ive given them a chance and found them completely unlistenable, they are more art than music - interesting but not something i enjoy listening to.
You said coloured was some kind of insult, i said its not the same everywhere. end of discussion ^^
Mixed-race people are called coloured in south africa, not everyone has the same defintions of words as you do. Remeber this is the internet and not eveyrone is from your culture.
Let me guess, everyone you disagree with is the worst type of person? :D
lol you dont think publishers would be on top of actual numbers and capitalize? Ofcourse you dont ...