
That's like complaining Daytime TV is aimed at women when half the world is male, get real if you think half audience of Assassins Creed is female. There is nothing wrong with catering to your audience. This comes from someone who always plays female characters in games when its possible.

This is just a silly attitude to have in my opinion, is half the fun in gaming the interaction with the publisher for you? I admit its annoying having to wait for a PC release, but its practice as usual with Rockstar so take it or leave it man ^^

Nope i havnt even watched a trailer to spoil myself :D

Sift through garbage? Thats not true and you know it. Who the hell just sits around playing games at ranodm hopeing to get lucky LOL.

oh hehe :) gnarly non the less !

Ugh that reminds me of that video that came out recently of that crossfitter that severed his own spine by dropping his deadlift weight on himself Q_Q

If by mental care you mean medication then yes you're the best :P btw most if not all these school-shooters are either on or coming off SSRIs.

I dont see how you connect the two but okay ^^ Anyway we have the same in my country and no one here cares, i guess japan just has idol-worship built into the culture or something.

Play ESO then, not every game has to focus on storytelling :)

If not that you can count on being treated as second-class costumer :D

I recommend turn on auto-loot or you might burn out quick :)

The only thing that makes sense is that they select a few structures that fit with the art-direction of the game, all these eiffel-towers and stuff will obviously not make it in.

Do you even play gw2? People already can change the look of their gear, now its just more convenient andplayer-friendly.

It made the gameless enjoyable to play, i got like a handful of completely useless legendaries during my hundred or so hours of playing the game. The AH ruined the only goal of the game and made it completely unrealistic to get the loot you wanted without resorting to it.

But it did affect gameplay, it made it suck balls.

I once watched a japanese adult video where they sang a song together at the end, weird but atleast they're being creative :D

They shouldve made it funny instead :)

If you mean it sucked the life out of you from pure addiction then yes it was bad :/

wow i didnt even remember he was in Atlantis, those adventure of the week shows are so forgettable ^^

So gay people are very different than straight people, it's not just their sexual-orientation? gottcha. ^^