
Ouya might be something original (not to caught up on it), but most of the biggest projects are actually retro games.

People should watch gay porn to learn empahty too with that logic ^^

Well dont take it too hard because people seem to agree with you from the recommends :) I think it's interesting were some people draw the line ^^

Well i think you can say whatever want but it's borderline transphobia, if you were saying the same about gay-porn you would absolutely be labeled something similar. (if thats what you were actually saying, otherwise nvm ^^)

Where you describing yourself in every TESO article?

Personally i could never finish it, never enjoyed quick-time events. But the visual-design was excellent though.

What a douchebag reply

Same with any new mmo if you're expecting lots and lots of polished content, especially end-game.

What do you have against South Park? They're usually right on the money with their satires.

Why would it be a fad?

Yeah i liked the battle-system alot too, playing a healer was super intense in that game :) I just couldnt stick with it with the terrible support in the west and they just dont care what westerners think of their games - all that matters is the home player-base for these asian mmos.

Thats because it was a subscription mmo at first (and still is in Korea iirc)

Im so sick of getting disappointed with asian mmo's, main problem being support for the west (especially in EU) and lack of new content once its released.

:Seinfeld voice: "-Whats the deal with airplanes?"

You dont know me at all :(

And jerking off too

Queue the sexists saying she cant be bacause she's sexy :D

It's a nice fuck you to rockstar for not paying more attention to the pc-gamer :) both with the delayed releases and shitty ports of the past.

Indeed also the the hate comes from it being to popular - thats alwasy the trend with anything. First comes the love then comes the backlash ^^