
You should try mmos, currently im playing a tree in guild wars 2 :)

What it was super easy for me, just follow the link and sign into steam on the browser and voila it appears in steam client library.

Did daddy touch you when you were little?

And then other sites like gawker post them on theirs ;)

Im the same with tv-shows, sometimes with games too - but in 2013 i played exclusively mmo's so technically i didnt finish any games ^^

That man is a square ... literally

Thats not really true, atleast not in the sense that they stand out, lots of mediocre arists out there ^^

nah i recognise his style right away, its very unique

Then it will remain a mystery to me :)

Just saying you're blowing it out of proportion if you cant name more than 3 games, that doesnt make a huge history exactly. People commenting on this article that its a overused trope is likely refering to other mediums so saying its overused in games ring kinda hollow to me, personally i havnt played a single game

These gifs is enough to bore you of the premise :) Dont watch game-shows

Change it to mayonnaise and you got a winner, fries with cheese dip is just nasty.

Whats this huge history of female rape victims in games you say? just curious


A mmo without grinding doesnt work for me, whats the point without loot or gear progression?

Dont tell Sam Harris

He's worse off in russia than in prison? lmfao