
Ive got a soft spot for Dazzler and Longshot, love those 80s? marvel comics :)

Ive read about one case where someone was stopped entering Canada with a laptop with some hentai on it, guess thats the only real scenario that one is likely to be charged with anything.

Haha everyone has to live with their national stereotype :) And thats not racism btw

This made me laugh so it must be a good thing :D

Wow that was the most annoying shit i ever clicked on, i was skipping forward for the song to start and then i realize it did ...

Go to itunes and listen to Dan Carlins take on the fall of the roman republic in his hardcore history podcast/audiobook - his stuff is the best thing ever, history-boner

I look back at my time with swtor fondly, it was indeed a pretty good game - i stopped playing 6 months before the F2P thing. It was pretty grindy at end-game though, not a whole lot tof variation on the grind either.

Yeah buck up and take it in the ass like a man amirite?

You again, you're one dedicated TotalBiscuit hater ! I guess he stole your girlfriend or something :D

It's not that he thinks hes that important, in this case its a game company that thinks he's important/influential enough to take down one of his videos.

Mods are a must for past TES games but when it comes to TES Online that goes out the window so its agood thing they got their shit together :)

Dont kid yourself its not just kotaku that has a negative opinion of xbox one, even my non-gamer friends have heard the backlash and are harping on the xbox one :)

I cant remember it being highly rated tbh, but if you mean in a cult kind of way then yeah maybe.

Hamsters just want to see the world burn, or more accurately chewed to bit-sized pieces.

I do have a job but i was battling depression last year, turns out yoga and running is a natural cure ! Also eating healthy and all that fun stuff :)

Thats how all gay porn look on the internet, the drawn kind anyway.

So an open-world game can never geta perfect score you mean? Thats just silly