
The setting is so boring i never bothered trying it and i even own a copy i got for free with a graphics card, also i heard its boring.

this post was made 5 months ago dummy ^^

Yeah im optimistic they've learned their lesson this time, would be idiotic to release something half-assed when they got so much goodwill from the gaming community with this game.

Definatly, they've learned from every major multiplayer/mmo screwup lately and its a smart move. They call it a free aupdate indicating that it somehow was not a part of the intial purchase, that way they seem very charitable and above critizism when it suffers inital hiccups ^^

Im in the same boat, dont want to ruin the experience with shitty runnig console version - but at the same time i played GTA IV on xbox and when then PC version materialized it was so shitty it wouldnt even run on my computer (which was a fine gaming rig) ^^

What can i say he's a man of good taste and great talent :D

It's possible the developers put in their own money to meet the goal, id like to think thats it anyway ^^

So far the only one bringing the conversation down is you, weak arguments and personal attacks, but please continue this is entertaining ^^

Now playing

Yeah that original soundtrack brings me back :D

It's only next gen until it's here, then it's current gen :D

Sounds like a good time, who doesnt like counter-strike?

Thats a nice killjoy reaction you got there!

I think Ancient Aliens on the History Channel has something to say about it ;)

Capcom would be stupid to go after it, it would just bring more publicity for the game, lose gamers respect and likely lose in court.

Bookmarked for further exploration at a later stardate !

Im getting babylon 5 vibes from the music :D

lol yeah i was thinking of that too ^^

I hate it when food bites back ;_;

I agree that on it's own its a kinda closed community, the campaigns really rely on going viral for the big numbers. Lot's of coverage for kickstarters can be found on youtube aswell.