
it's more likely the resolution issue or the just the cover design thats to blame since we're not really that bothered by stuff like that in sweden. We dont have a history of school-shootings and gun-ownership is almost non-existant except for hobby-related activitys.

Psst, pc-gaming is this way *waves*

If you use garbage and cesspool to describe other people chances are you're reflecting something about yourself :)

Get a gaming-PC if those are the features that are so important to you, those "exciting features" are nothing new :D

Yeah incredibly rudimentary gameplay, linear design and shite graphics, seems like its a little kids game though.

Didnt the art evolve from those client portraits ingame from the original? Cant remember exactly, was so fucking long ago :)

Ah oh well i bought Aion, Tera, TOR, LotRO and AoC aswell :P

gold star for you ! rofl

Guild Wars 2

Yeah thats me aswell, cant stand these rap-themed parody vids :/

Oh great, another meme im not aware off ;(

Is it even possible to fuck up skyrim modding? I barely had the attention span to research what i was doing but i managed to download the mod manager program and install some couple of dussin mods without fucking up anything permanently. Some minor conflicts of mods that was settled easily but other than that it was

+1 That was hilarious :D

What race is that? The British race? lol

Bastion was one of the best games of the year, i dont know what you are on about lol

There's a distinct lack of wheelbarrows in this shop ...

The horror of live action WoT *shudders* So many better works of fantasy id want to see realized on screen before that behemot ^^

I agree, i think anti-heroes are generally more interesting than the Ned Stark kind.

If you like dark fantasy, read mark lawrence prince of thorns series - just finished the first book and its the most evil piece of fiction ive ever read :)