That's so silly, it's not even in the One Piece art-style so obviously it's an homage to this old dude's style ^^
That's so silly, it's not even in the One Piece art-style so obviously it's an homage to this old dude's style ^^
No one would know about kickstarter if these "name guys" didnt chose to use it, thanks to them kickstarter draws in more people that are likely to fund other projects.
Yep dont comment on them, im sure thats exatcly what they're looking for, nope no attention seeking going on here at all ;)
Mister skunkhead!
I just assumed you were talking about mmorpgs since those are the dominant ones, other settings isnt as appealing to me personally - planetside 2 was entertaining for a few weeks tho :)
Obviously the reason the genre hasnt evolved as much as others is that the lifespan of an MMO is far longer than an ordinary game (as is the development cycle). But there are MMOs that has changed it up with alot in recent years with more actiony combat - other than that i dont see huge changes they can make to the…
Why ? There's no info on the game hence no reason to dislike it ...
I think the point was that it cuts to the chase, also it was pretty funny :)
Well if you orgasm without ejaculation it's pretty easy to keep going, but that requires some dedication to learn and can be quite painful in the beginning from what ive heard - david choe anyone? :)
That's not really strange, the easiest way to get a wikipedia is to do porn after all. Comedians for example are rated below b-rate pornstars apparently. ^^
Sure they can change it, but that wont happen unless people kick and scream and the press call it a distaster :) So whats your idea to put pressure on microsoft if its not complaining ?
Games dont become franchises if they suck :) Just a heads up ^^
That's good, ive got a xbox360 and ps3 aswell but they've collected dust for the last 1-2 years :/ Maybe this new generation will bring some interesting exclusives but i rather wish it didnt, my wallet would suffer again :/
PC has a bigger library of games than all other plaforms combined :)
No excuse to "miss" anything these days, if you're already paying for cable you shouldnt feel bad for torrenting what you want to watch - and thats after the fact that you can dvr it :)
I cant believe it took 2 months for someone to reply with that info - oh wait! :D
So they bascially took all the arrmors from Tera Online and made cartoon depictions of them :D
woah didnt know about this guy but i knew about Alex Grey, and their art is very similar - i guess psychadelic trips are the same for everyone :)