
I like the female Robin if that hepls :) Frank Miller baby!

Going for a Apocalypse Now feeling ?

Reminds me of Evirobear 2000 :D

Im guessing you havnt seen The Shield then?

What about the Fibonacci sequence?

Havnt bothered to read the articles (as i rarely read articles in general), but im guessing it's some verbose dude with an opinon that doesnt have really have a point or purpose.

He wants to see fault with blizzard so much that he misquotes a two paragraph article, call it what you will !

don't feed the troll

"-I feel bad about myself, let's share!"

Suprisingly it can, having just left Swtor for Tera i can tell you how little story means to me in an mmo :)

-you whiny bitches, suck it ! >back to playing

Really ? Working just fine last time i played on the eurpoean servers :)

Kotaku has the same DRM man, you have to have an internet connection to partake :D

Because its no different than how i would have played it anyways? Diablo is all about the multiplayer - am i supposed to boycott a game because you dont have a internet connection? (surfing at the library i guess)

that made me laugh :D

I just cant get the fact that Harley was motion-captured by a dude out of my head =L

Good to know, if this was 5 years ago this might be a serious issue :D

Aside from the amazing combat and great graphic the hting i love most about this games is that it weeds out the prudes :D

Can i counter this with dislikes?:D (not a facebook user)