
Can't wait for the hentai !

more like GREED amiright?


It's often the case that people rather have the unaltered product, many westerners complain over dubbing of asian games (and anime) There's a very simple solution, include both.

Except laws only make sense if people agree with them, so makeing your voice heard is not an unreasonable thing.

So are we equating smart with good now or is this just a pointless discussion?

You already knnow there's gonna be a cracked version within the first week that will allow offline play for all stone-age gamers.

I never saw the appeal of grinding in single-player, thats my biggest gripe about this claim that the Diablo-franchise is a single-player experience. No that is not what made Diablo good and that is not what made it popular.

Has this guy done something to antagonise the gaming-press?

Damn the author was way ahead of the curve - by a decade or two :D

China is just trolling the world at this point :)

Where did you hear that? Only last week they said book 3 will be split into 20 episodes that will consist of season 3 and 4.

It's weird seeing cosplay transitioning into another marketing-tool for game-companies, just a few years ago you hardly saw any attractive people cosplay or any professinally made costumes for that matter oh well ^^

Whats wrong with games for windows live? Im more concerned with them making a good port to the pc than some peripheral service.

The psychoanalyzis is even funnier than the story itself :D

First you make a shitty game, then you make a shitty port and then you blame piracy? Gotcha !

The pathetic thing is that none of these people who try to pressure EA are actually buying and playing their products, hence why this anti-gay campaign is doomed to fail.

They were like um totally not hoping this would happen :) All that horrible publicity

It's technically an unlit star right?