Approcahing Nirvana background-music is instant win !
Approcahing Nirvana background-music is instant win !
I think the reason they dont add a buttload of new stuff is that almost everything you can think of is already in some mod somewhere. If i remember correctly they have said they might incorporate some sort of mod-store where creators can sell their mods for a small fee (might be wrong)
Had they done this in Minecraft i would have been impressed *shrugs*
I have a feeling alot of people are relatively new players, it's just an assumption but i dont think alot of people who played from the start (like me) are still around, i mean i got sick of it all and quit shortly after the first exansion hit :)
I would like some more variety, i like sexy characters as much as the next guy but the more variety the better tbh !
yoooooo-oooo !
Meh, it's not like the doom-franchise is going away or anything - i rather they wait and evaluate their mistakes and make an awesome product instead of trying to leaning on past achievements.
I wont be buying it, i love the R&C games for their single-player - and i never play multiplayer on the consols so thats pretty much it :)
That's not really bethesdas buisness though as such a trademark would likely be rejected - while i can understand that bethesda tried to cover their backs in some over-reactionary way its just dumb that the courts has to spend time on something like this.
If a game manages to pull me in to the extent that the only complaint i have is that it ended then i give that game a perfect score, i had that feeling with SPAZ (space pirates and zombies) recently but that game is by no means heralded as a perfect game.
This reminds me of hajime no Ippo :)
You mean demo dont you? read the article again ...
Dont worry they make shit up as they go along :D
My feeling exactly about all the AC games, i dont know why i bother buying them, i havnt finished the last two (got so bored halfway)
aww thats cute :)
what tha fuck !?
It's something from dungeons and dragons, dont know the artist though - but reminds me a bit of Keith Parkinson (maybe?)
I love One Piece in both manga and anime format but this looks horrible *shudders* I have a hard time believing any developer could make a good game out of OP, hell they cant even make good movies :)
I can see it now, 2012 Big Buck Hunter World Champion 12yo Korean boy Chung-Hee outclasses the competition :D
I will use origin for Battlefield 3 is thats what it takes to play it, but i dont fancy splitting my digital archive of games between multiple platforms (that may come and go).