
I've given up hope of ever being invited to a beta :( I hope one day all my saved up luck will win me the lottery tho :D

Agreed, i dont care about celebrities, my "heroes" of gaming are the casters and content producers (youtube) that are real gamers. And the articles i like to read are those about games not people.

Bethesda you disappoint me, i actually had a fairly good opinon about you before all this madness started, going after Notch in court ? Ill just go ahead and show my support by pirating Rage and Skyrim, have fun patching this mess up if you want my money again ...

Hell yeah, that bit on the couch is what i remember most about the game, oh and the trenches of WW1 was memorable too :)

That is actually terrifying O.O

I played Jade Empire on the xbox when it came out, but it didnt grab me like kotor did, i think i got halfway through the game before i put it aside. It reminded me of Shenmue a bit, another classic i never really appriciated.

The satisfaction of murdering hoardes of enemies in explosions of gore and looting their magical posessions bothers you? Weirdo

Are you waiting for "release" to try it or something? That seems very pointless as the game at it's core wont change much - it's great now and it was great a year ago :)

I think it's ironic that people start hating on blizzard now they're associated with Activision, but they have been owned by the ulimate evil corporation Vivendi for a decade ^^

Nah, she's blushing and furrowing her brow slightly. Going for a tsundere look im guessing.

I don't know, i usually just play on peaceful nowadays, creating stuff is what i enjoy about minecraft and no improvements there from what ive heard :(

How can you dislike One Piece, you monster !

I've never been fond of non-digital games fpr the pc, i've actually discarded most of my very old physical copies since it would be so much easier to just download an iso with the latest patches included if i ever feel like playing them.

Go Keith !

That's a guy-in-bathrobe-win !

fix your god dang player so i can watch it then ...

If you want to bend the definition from its original use then yes sure you can call it whatever you like. Too me an MMO is a seamless open-world game.

You didnt see what appears to be scale or ringmail (athough skintight) ? iirc this is an example of low to mid-lvl armor

Tera Online has some pretty awesome female plate armor, functional yet stylish :D

I wonder if ill restart att lvl1 as soon as i mess around with mods, like that wonderful achievement system -.-