
I like Zacaria's facial expression as Carli is yelling at him. I want to think that he is thinking "Dude, I do not give a single fuck about what you are yelling at me, I'm taking care of this god damn adorable puppy."

I thought this was talking about the recent FOX "reality" show called Utopia, because, then I wouldn't really be surprised.

Most of these don't seem so much like hacks as they are "Order these and make it yourself" items. A secret menu, to me, is something I can walk up to the counter and say, "Can you make me a *insert secret menu item here*?" and the people I'm buying from make the item. Otherwise it seems like a colossal waste of food

The sense of dread in this game is fucking unbearable

Attorney Does His Job: article from Deadspin full of hot and fresh hot takes coming soon.

The arrested Texas Tech fans will have the book thrown at them. The UTEP fans, however, will be charged as miners.

this happened right in front of my seats and for whats its worth, it looked way more impressive in person. Conte wished he was dead as soon as it happened.

I see they found another use for those Xbox E3 event armbands then.

You know I really really want to feel for them because a bad launch for a console does indeed stink in a country that is often a major player of the product involved but I just can't. Microsoft did so much terrible garbage before it's launch and after where it pretty much said whatever to some of these markets on

Shaw will continue to be allowed to attend his classes. However, his teachers have become concerned that maybe his dog didn't really eat all of his homework this semester.

Are you not??

His behavior is a normal human reaction to getting punched in the face. We get it, you're more chivalrous than us. Go enjoy all that pussy that gets thrown at you.

Is she really that popular, because I've never heard of herbivore.

Bills fans were on their game last night.

I'm going to say the increased grappling killed the sport. I have tremendous respect for Ju Jitsu and Wrestling as sports, but they simply don't translate to good TV. People like knockouts. People that know grappling like grappling. Sadly that's about 20% of the fan base. Until they get guys that are going to knock

I loved UFC for a long time, but this recent explosion of Fights has run me ragged. It's basically what would happen if tomorrow the MLB announced that every single A, AA, AAA, and MLB team were being put in one league, the players were all being randomly relocated and a new 128 team nightmare league was being

Football is America... Take your opponents land by force... Soccer is the rest of the world...one long boring scarf wearing sport we quit playin when were 7 yrs old....football and basketball shit all over soccer

I'm a complete cynic but I really believe that if the company was doing ok financially, he'd still be employed. He has been a pervy ass from the beginning. I'm not complaining that he's been fired, I just am doubtful that it wasn't primarily financially motivated.

Life lesson for today, for any youngsters reading this: Don't be mean.

Wow...as much as I'm interested in the subject matter, I may just skip this one. Once you've dealt with real tragedy, the last thing anyone would want to do is simulate it all over again. I hope it turns out well and those that do play it get a better understanding of grief and depression especially if they've never