Minecraft is a lot like PewPewPie. Dumb 9 year olds clicking on that garbage. Future failed mobile app developers, all of em!
Minecraft is a lot like PewPewPie. Dumb 9 year olds clicking on that garbage. Future failed mobile app developers, all of em!
This is some Grantland level word counts on WWE bros.
I will have a flesh-sword fight with ULTRON to get this on a PS4
Why go through the drudgery of raising kids, when you can instead just have celeb-kids with no diapers, no drama, no stress. -
Hopefully she spends the entire run of her show waxing nostalgic about how good Lamar Odom was in NBA LIve 2003
White women on TV drinking wine and yapping endlessly about shit they know nothing about? What a novel concept.
That is some sick Jedi-hair she is rocking. /want
WHitlock is off PTI, Melborne was back, but only on the horn. Show is back to being unwatchable failed attempts at comedy. Was so much better with Whitlock just spewing whatever nonsense he had on his BBQ / Strip club cocktail napkin from 3am.
Nice write up thanks, not a big marvel reader but this looks a lot like the Daredevil Netflix tone.
This looks like Jpop/Kpop cosplay BS. Who likes that style? Cowboy hats and Sin City film-esque overly-conservative bikinis? Fucking rubbish. Look at this “stripper” outfit. When was the last time anyone saw a stripper this covered up?
D listers, never beens, has been B listers, then some motherfucking A listers slumming it up on Instagram?
Yeah “fun to play” describes Uncharted 1 for me or Tomb Raider Legend. Uncharted 2, 3 and tLoU is a slog and a grind. It’s like football practie. No glory, no fun, just work and grind.
Exact same thing happened to me. Then I went and got the PS4 version and I’m afraid to play it because it bums me out.
“Gameplay decisions”.... “Joel and Ellie’s character growth”... “fun gameplay”
I got through the redundant intro, once they had him walking... I was done
Pretty sure that is already an ABC FAmily network show
Good, the derps who get mad at this stuff and threaten not to play the game. GOOD get the fuck off the internet. You’re a bunch angry griefers anyway.
This is a very dumb comment. Skin color is not a “nationality” for fucks sake. Your “immersion” is a bowl of lies.
I think you nailed it. The “tone” of WoW in geneal. From the cornball art, to Mini Me and Mr T characters, one almost forgets that it is indeed one of the more cheesey MMOs ever made. The Kung Fu panda phase was just...idk what that was.