
Well when you haven’t actually studied history (89% of voting america) it’s hard to commit to a historical fact.

Sony doesn’t really blame themselves, they usually pat themselves on the back.

Uncharted 2 was the bullet sponge game! That also had stupid Dragon Age II style whack a mole enemy invasions. I beat Uncharted 1 in 2 days casually playing. U2, I gave up during the last 3rd in a scene where there are like 3+ waves of bullet sponges. So boring. My kill count felt like 10s of thousands...

How late is late tho? If you wait too long, many of the games will have already been “shut down” or be empty already (if they require MP online)

Yeah the game is a major let down. The Pirate stuff is great (really really great!), everything else, literally everything, is par for the course for a AC game. Horrible stealth, terrible objectives, poorly designed controls, pointless Parkour etc...

Dragon Age Inq is a very pretty game, but notice how it has almost no buzz? It’s boring, and the story is meh compared to DAO and DAII.

Embrace debate has transitioned to “Read Memes and Twitter feeds” for ESPN these days.

That half-explanation above from the study kinda nails it. I don’t like the teen-mom shows, but I do often watch TV and of course we compare ourselves to what we see on TV. But as a former social worker, I have an impulse to help stop the cycle, to actually talk to one of these people and try and provide some

  • Level 49 DK Tank, wrapping up the storyline soon.

The Apple-bots at my office, one in particular, had a real hard-on for hating on flash. I remember 5-6 years ago having a heated debate about it. His positionn was mostly “what Steve Jobs said”. Sadly, this guy is a really smart guy, highly functional, knows his work stuff really well.

And what about Nate?

This is actually about “ethics in donut consumption”.

Is 0 esc 3 kind of like ctl alt q?

They still havent patched FOshelter. There is a crash bug, my vault wasn’t even 200 dwellers and it crashes every time now, an obvious “woops, too much going on, out or RAM” crash.

Can you imagine for one second if he had asked Taylor Swift: “Who has the biggest dick in the music industry?” You probably can’t because he never would.

Want more fuel? “Jackhole” is a co-opted term that is from famous bro-sogynist Adam Carolla. He was using it big-time way back in the 1990s on Loveline radio to avoid the “7 dirty words”

Exactly, this is like “Bye Felicia” on twitter, but in reverse.

Wow, time flies. Seems like just yesterday Clay AIken and Snooki were both fuckable.

The game franchise really should have ended with the GOW II game. They’ve been repeating themselves ever since, and not in a good way. God of War III felt dated the day it came out, all these years later, it’s a relic of the peak of Juggling Combat games.

Whoever wrote that has one of the highest paying PR jobs at one of the most successful “tech” companies with a consumer brand.