It’s a great business if you can sell a game for $90 to 51k people and make money, DO IT!
I tried my best to enjoy DAI, but the game is a slog of cookie cutter battles, one after another, just to watch some prettied up cutscene.
Remember when Borderlands would just give out codes every week?
As someone who owns the ORIGINAL WHITE DESTINY PS4 I would imagine I can have an all new emote of my character waving, if I buy this? Totes worth it yeah? I mean, DAT DANCING DOE Nothing more innovative in 2015 than having 4 emotes!
The biggest FPS on consoles should be a leader, not a follower. They should be setting innovatie, customer friendly trends. Instead they are doubling down on SNEAK KING style marketing bullshit
I tried HoW but never tried PoE and don’t like FPS PVP anymore (counterstrike was awesome 20 years ago tho) so for me, Destiny HoW was 5 new missions, and then I was done
Yeah this one time I worked a burner out of the greys on Gawker, was killing it for months. Then Kinja re-config like 3x, MRA trolls and stalkers forced me to ditch the account. So many angry dudes...
Somewhere in the jugle/desert/wetland/tropical forrests of Texas?
You’re mixing game mechanics with publisher pricing/monetizing methods.
If you enjoy t-shirts shot out of a cannon? I work in corporate america, my house is constructed of recycled corporate logo T-shirts.
I applaud innovation and attempts at doing new and cool things. However as someone who purchased and played Shenmue on the DC and later S2 on the XBOX, they are not enjoyable games, they have bad stories, poor pacing, and are stuffed with “real world simulator mini games”
But Destiny devs already pre-loaded the excuses of how hard it is to change the code of anything (like the ammo glitch). They got more excuses than we have dedicated servers.
LOL, well yes, Indy is marginally better than being trapped in some bankrupt oil-suburb that is obsessed with a high school football team from 1988. yes it’s better than the B-Story in Friday Night Lights TV show season 3. Barely...
Kornheiser had to remind Whitlock (or inform him) that World Cup soccer final is not a “gold medal game”. Whitlock just gave him the “like I give a fuck/don’t ever call me out!” face. Like all other programming on ESPN, nothing came of it.
I owned the Dreamcast Shenmue guy. But yes, Shenmue fanboys can be very loud.
Telltale’s games are absolutely NOT the same genre as Shenmue. Heavy Rain is more in the ballpark.
If Bungie didn’t care about PVP, then why is House of Wolves way more PVP focused than the old expansion? Why is the best way to level up in PVP modes?
Yeah anyone could run a Dserver on a PC, it was very cool. Amazing that we can’t have that for a $90mil game.
Dedicated servers improve performance as a general rule. When you are trying to HOST and PLAY at the same time on the same machine, it causes problems for the hardware trying to handle it all.