even though it doesn't matter what her profession is, stupids will be quick to judge and spew shit from their mouths
even though it doesn't matter what her profession is, stupids will be quick to judge and spew shit from their mouths
so did matthew broderick as well
well if they are going to go the same route that they've been going lately, they will have that reporter that said that shit about the female asking to get beat up by her husband and report that he asked to be hit by that car
yeah I highly doubt ANY one will touch his chef boyardee eatin ass now
20 year old but still, Stewart is a prick and killed that kid
but atleast in hockey, they are allowed to fight it out, its part of the game.
i dunno do you hit the gas to swerve in attempt to avoid someone? or do you brake?
his career is over
my kids are 21,20 and 18. they KNEW better than to pitch a fit in public lest they get the dreaded "Ear Pull" or "The Look" which meant that their ass was gonna get it. I've raised my kids to be respectful (for the most part) adults that still respect and fear their parents. I FUCKING HATE little kids nowadays because…
I dont know what "mexican" food you have been eating but usually when i eat it, im normal.
your Google Fu is WEAK!
so he was Antonio de Rivera Garcia Azul Falcón
Dooku was great for the name alone!
aww man leave bene jesuit cucumber sandwich alone!!
Not Sorry! Fuck this guy
I demand this video with Yakkety Saks Immediately!
thats what i say about cyanide. its natural and organic. it can come from apple seeds, eat enough of them and they will KILL your ass! but they are natural and organic
ya ya ya 100 tb of storage thats great, what else about the box, more specs!
what is this the 19-fucking-50's? this is some bullshit