

I'm enjoying it. The first couple of hours was some of the funniest material I've seen in a video game. It's a fairly easy game, even on hardcore difficulty (only thing I've played on so far). There's a decent amount of depth (e.g. badges you can use to modify equipment), which would probably matter more if the

Can't wait to dig into South Park on Tuesday. My only concern is length. Which is what she said.

Oh I agree, I don't think he intended to be creepy. I didn't mean that to reply specifically to you, it was just easier to click the top post to respond than scroll through the many post and find one of the people who think niceties are overrated.

Pardon my cynicism but this whole article based on a single image seems kinda fake. The "manic pixie dream girl" response from her and his "fedora and trenchcoat" line seem a little too perfectly-timed to certain current stereotypes for this to be believable.

I have this gut feeling this whole discussion would be completely different if she didn't say 'creep' more than once in her final response. I think people have more of an issue of being confrontational in the name-calling and labeling than the actual gist of the final message. People also seem to get more upset if

I rather appreciate the completely appreciable fact that many of those saying she was not required to treat him with basic respect and dignity have also failed to treat you with any basic respect or dignity.

No, fuck that guy who was clearly bullied and ostracised socially during his formative years and therefore never developed proper social skills. Also, I heard he wears a fedora, and he's fat and probably has a neckbeard too, so his worth as a human is clearly non-existant. What we should do is further bully and

No, but she did. You forget the person in question wore a FEDORA and TRENCHCOAT. .. . and goes to Hot Topic unironically.

I go to Hot Topic to talk loudly about the lack of pussy shaped cups and mugs and then yell, "OH THERE ARE THE PUSSY MUGS, GREAT, NOW I NEED A VAGiNA WALLET TO GO WITH MY VAGINA CUP."

Then I vomit

Because it's not necessary to rip someone a new one just because they are socially inept and go too far. As the OP of this thread said, she could have just as effectively gotten rid of him by saying "I'm not interested at all. Stop messaging me you are making me uncomfortable. It's kind of creepy."

I gotta agree with you. This is a post about a girl using textbook feminism. That's fine, and all, and yea she stood up for herself. And the guy is creeping on her, so she wasn't in the wrong. I don't have an issue with the post, really, in anyway, except that it's completely unrelated to both the gaming and the

Kotaku is slowly but surely turning into a generic Tumblr page. I don't know for sure who started this trend, but it was probably Patricia Hernandez.

Killzone Mercenary is a great value at $17. It has a solid MP suite for those inclined and a ton of replayability in the SP campaign thanks to a "Contracts" system that makes the levels akin to the expanding difficulties of old school shooters like Goldeneye and Perfect Dark, where different difficulties would change

Nop, she was on the second one, and I believe she helped on Brotherhood. Ubisoft only marketed her extensively for the first one until that Chugworth comic.


I guess I'll never pay more than $10.00 for another one of Cliff's games then.

except it's Ubisoft we're talking about, they are not very good at paying off journalists, not like Rockstar at least