
No, it's two hours for the "core story mission."

Holy crap.. PS+ is amazing O_O

Iceberg... dead ahead!!

For a change I'd like to comment you on your sensitiveness on this issue, in all honesty! Imho people are making a mountain out of a molehill, because this is more or less an simple issue of miscommunication.

Some people grow up in environments with pretty nasty habits and language, often they don't even realize this,

"Tell him to stop", yes how dare all these white male cis hetero etc... guys actually expect a woman to have any agency whatsoever.

Your unwarranted pre-emptive counterattack comes off as soliciting for attention.

"I'm really not sure why the Internet is blowing up right now over this,"

My main issue with nintendo isn't that they never make new IP's, but that they have SO MANY IP'S THAT THEY DO NOTHING WITH. How long has it been since we've seen a NEW Star Fox game? (not that BS they put on GC and the remake on the 3DS doesn't count). Or a new Metroid? Whatever happened to Jet Force Gemini? They

QUOTE | "Console manufacturers are all under siege right now... if you look at Xbox One and PS4 they are almost identical except for interface."—Former Silicon Knights boss Denis Dyack, on how the game industry is still in the "Dark Ages" while headed towards a Renaissance.

Children as pets/toys is bad thinking. There's nothing noble or cool about naming your children after video game characters. It just shows you up as an idiot.

Now playing

The best thing to come out of the Year of Luigi.

"Hacking Time. Warning: Hacked Too Much Time"

no you dont. it was a waste of money.. it's a feeble attempt at art and a shell at that too.

reviewers are desperate to find ways to legitimize gaming in the art world but this is just an empty shell of a game. it's got the story of a 10 yr old tumbler girl post and a weak gameplay hook. it's a waste of money and

And I will certainly let you know when my heart and wallet feels said loss.

Steering away from this game as a whole until it's pretty clear Capcom is done making different versions.*

Starts video

If it's not Bethesda, someone is using an incredibly close version of the Vault-Tec logo without their permission under the counter

This review is a joke right? Looking at so many other reviews just panning this game, then come here and this. One mans opinion but now i take your opinion with a grain of salt. I so played this game at a kiosk and it was one of the most boring games i have ever played. Hands down.