The calculator in the OP misrepresents my pre-Sanders tax rate as 7% lower than it actually is, thus what would be a 2k increase shows up as a 20k increase.
The calculator in the OP misrepresents my pre-Sanders tax rate as 7% lower than it actually is, thus what would be a 2k increase shows up as a 20k increase.
It is false though because they’re adding the employers taxes into the employees taxes not taking into account that the employer no longer needs to pay the thousands it already does for your Healthcare. With the way they did it your pay thousands more but your employer pays thousands less, that’s now how it works.
Nice link, that fit my calculations perfectly. This lifehacker article is incredibly misleading, can’t beleive they let it slide...
Still an incredibly misleading calculator that shouldn’t be posted. It combines employee and employer tax increases and makes it look like the employee pays for it all. For instance, it said I’d pay 5,000 more a year. Which is wrong because 80% of that increase is what my employer pays instead of healthcare coverage.… calculates that i would end up paying less, yet somehow the article above calculates i’d pay 7000+ more? This article should be edited or removed!
You must be new to the Internet.
The original article really needs to be amended to include this. Especially since incorrect/misleading info costs a candidate votes.
From what I’m getting from that the tax brackets are still accurate because that says a cap at 28% with a surtax added. So 28+9 for 250000-500000 is the same as the brackets just saying 37.
That’s because it's spreading false information.;0
Hold up now, this tool is full of shit. Try this one:;0
This thing is full of shit. His taxes don’t actually affect you until you’re making 250000 a year. And at that point you could still have more pocket money because medical will be cheaper. Try this one:
This is a horrifically misleading article. At least, the article should have a bold OPINION appended to it. Speaking as a tax attorney, this is yellow journalism, actually, no, this is pure garbage. Journalism implies some form of integrity, this article has none.
This doesn’t seem to jive with what the Sanders campaign has putout for proposed tax rates.
A number of problems with that calc.
Looking through the FAQ, they state that they include the employer side of the tax increases as well, so his single payer health plan would be a 8.4% increase instead of 2.2% that the worker would see on his check. Having worked at both very large and very small companies, my premiums alone were typically above 8.4%…
Further more, they pooled Employer & Employee contributions. That’s highly misleading, since I’m not paying for that tax increase, my employer is (but now they don’t have to pay my health insurance... So some save money)... Seriously though... This isn’t a calculator, it’s a political tool.
This also assumes corporate, payroll, and excise tax increases would be paid by the employee and not the employer, which is why it shows everyone paying more under Bernie.
I’m disappointed with you lifehacker. This is a biased article that over-exaggerates taxes and makes little light of any benefits gained or lost. I think this article should be taken down...…
So how are Trump and Cruz going to pay for all their wars? Oh right, the Bush method. Worked out well.