An acoustic guitar? Well, at least he's willing to play something without the benefit of juice.
An acoustic guitar? Well, at least he's willing to play something without the benefit of juice.
Attorney: Ma'am, what were you and the defendant doing on the night in question?
MLBPA Leader: We need to make him scared of coming back!
This is little known outside of hardcore baseball fan circles, but the Japanese HOF was considering Bobby Valentine. Several columnists and writers over there have spoken out about the issue, and raised the arguments you'd expect: His embarrassing disguise scandal; his attempts to use American baseball accomplishments…
assault on an officer/firefighter
Oh sheesh. +1
The IOC is really committed to this. Vaughn's original brand name didn't have the apostrophe.
To further ensure no political messages are conveyed, the Olympics are requiring all offensive players to list themselves as centers instead of left or right wingers.
Peyton is definitely the king of pre-snap screaming and yelling.
I'm not the biggest movie guy in the world, and I'm admittedly just going off a picture here, but I can't believe people say Godfather III is the worst in the franchise.
So dumb. +1