I think the real problem with Stone Cold comes down to character. His career value is completely tied to his ERA, and quite frankly, it's all Attitude.
The 2014 Baseball Hall of Fame ballot was one of the most loaded
I guess this is some new thing among NBA players. J.R. Smith goes for shoelaces, Andrew Bynum gets the boot, and LeBron goes for tongue.
Hah! +1
Red McCombs: God damnit, I want Saban! That guy was one play away from the national championship. Texas should be able to go eeny-meeny-miny-moe and get that guy.
Employee #1: Hey man, you see this email from IT? It says we can now access all our documents and music and whatever from anywhere we log on, as long as we put our data in the "cloud." That's pretty cool.
Lovie: [Sees monkeys approaching]
LeBron liked the experience so much he decided to apply for his own gun permit. However, his application was denied on the grounds the NBA has already given him a license to carry.
puppies running around, drinking water, stealing each other's toys, and falling asleep.