
RE: Smells and Water -

I have to agree. In an ideal world, we should be able to freely go about our legal activities without fear. But, in reality, maybe I shouldn’t go walking down poorly lit alleys at night in high crime areas flashy wads of cash and fancy watches while loudly proclaiming how wealthy I am.

Sure, it seems like a nice, tropical island, until you run across the secretive Guarma Initiative...

I was just looking through the “Duty to God” style religious awards - awards that are technically given by a religious organization, but recognized by BSA. Amongst the couple dozen flavors of Christian organizations, there’s Sikhism, Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism. But, there’s also Unitarian

Well, to be fair, you know the risks you were taking when you bought that house on Rainbow Road.


I’m wondering if those Chiefs/Colts and Chiefs/Patriots pics are at all influenced by the heating system they have on the field at Arrowhead.  I mean, supposedly it can keep the field at about 50 degrees through a game, but how much of that heat radiates up, and how much?  Get some math/thermodynamics wiz on this.

Or one Sam Rockwell could, but only if he had two heads, and even then it would be infinitely improbable.

Really wanting to see these two team up with New Day for some 5-person coordinated cosplay.  There’s a One Piece moving coming up that could use some extra promotion, no?

Waste of a good cargo ship.

Very tough choices. I want to say there’s several selections from Pink Floyd that could fit, but I’m going to submit something different.

You can credit it, but that’s like giving a dollar of credit against a $1000 of debt. Acknowledged, but in perspective, insignificant.

In addition to the obligatory “sue the PD, hospital, and everyone involved”, I’d also include “report any licensed professional who went along with this to the appropriate licensing board”. Report that hospital’s attorney to the state Bar Association, and any doctors to the appropriate medical licensing bodies. The

This is how you know Jordan’s getting old. He’s been watching too much NCIS

So Hannukah’s over, and my lil one ended up getting a Scruff-a-luv and a Pomsie. She loved cleaning and caring for the Scruff-a-luv, but honestly, I haven’t seen it since. The Pomsie, she played with to no end (her joy or our frustration - it’s like a Furby you hold) with the first night... again, I haven’t seen it

Elias Pettersson Made Another Sick Ass-Play

I remember playing a version of this that was pretty close to the original in the 80s on my home PC. It was still holding up very well then, 25 years later, against a lot of the other offerings available.

Now put that van deck on top of a deck van, and you’ll have a Deck Van Deck.

If your doctor is recommending a test, this question gets especially interesting: what would we do differently with test results than without them? Sometimes the treatment is the same either way, and the test isn’t needed at all.