
First of all, this clause would in no way protect them from sexually harassing the woman.

I heard he even referred to the men as “guys”. What an asshole!

Or the hogan tape. Gawker media are bottom of the barrel scum. They only come at you if they disagree with your opinion they are truely awful people

Deadspin posted leaked nude photos of Kate Upton during The Fappening, but you won’t see THAT brought up by any industry professionals during this debate. Deadspin will pretend to be ethical standard-bearers, and, as usual, no one except a few random commenters in the greys will point out the hypocrisy.

Technically if you read the article its a solicited opinion, wait, I’m mansplaining now, Fuck.

There is no way to ironically participate in this shameless promotion. You either went in all “OH YEAH SAUCE BABY” or “I’ve hit a new low. This is some bottom barrel shit. But I’m here in line so I’ll just go through with it. Dunno why, though. The sauce is mediocre, I’m just doing this to ‘participate’ in hype -

If you queued up 4 hours early for this, yeah, something inside you is broke.

I’m not poo pooing the idea of participating in something fun related to a franchise you love to say you got to have the experience in general.

I’ve still got to side with the OP. I guess I can see somebody saying, “Oh, that’d be kind of fun,” but if you see a long line, your reaction should be, “well, no, I’m not an idiot who’s going to wait for a condiment just because a cartoon referenced it one time.”

Every time I see some neck beard claim that Rick and Morty is “too smart” for makes me regret enjoying the show and being associated with anything about the fan base.

Nah. When police are involved because people can’t get a novelty sauce that a cartoon character likes, it’s okay to criticize adults for their life choices. These guys are failures. We deserve President Trump.

Confirmed and it totally makes sense why. These people identify with Rick because he’s the ultimate real world narcissistic power fantasy. I’m a fucking genius and I’m surrounded by idiots who don’t understand me so I deal with it through edgy humor and callous, dickish behavior. Rick & Morty is a smart show and I

I’m having a hard time giving a shit about the “anger” of fat nerds over the shortage of a fast food sauce. Oh no, they ran out, what an injustice. Get a life.

Deadspin is jealous something funny came out of Barstool and is desperate to discredit.

Many people are saying, “Huh. Cumin. I do not think I have any particularly strong good or bad feelings about that

Now playing

Literally all I ever knew about Cobb County Georgia before this was to read the signs and respect the law and order.

He’s treating pro wrestling like it’s a predetermined, sport-based entertainment product. Like the NFL.

It wasn’t until I was in my early 30s that I got all the way up to 155 lbs.

Yes! I think all of the people quoted in this article have this assumption that your allegiance to pro teams is determined/influenced by your favorite college teams.

11. Get the hell out of the house. And take the kids with you. That's all I want, alone time. How often am I alone the rest of the year? FUCKING NEVER. GTFO. That is all.