By far, the worst part of this story is that we can't tell Will to not quit his day job.
By far, the worst part of this story is that we can't tell Will to not quit his day job.
Both of the attackers, who are brothers, have extensive rap sheets, and are facing felony assault charges.
German excitement over the victory resulted in a tiny Fuhrer.
Well that's a relief - because a ton of the people who still aren't going to buy this car no longer have to worry about doing the engine swap that they weren't going to do either.
not to be outdone, theo epstein had his vasectomy shown on the jumbotron while singing "take me out of the ballgame"
The best part is the guy who's truck got smashed finishes his beer and throws the can in the truck...
I love how the guy behind the truck that got hit downs his beer after it happens, then throws it as he's probably thinking "you've got to be fucking kidding me."
They had the boat up and out... It wasn't the daisy-chaining, it was the lack of safety chains and not securing the hitch!
That is pretty much the most informational thing that has ever followed someone writing "I'm not a XXX, so I may be wrong"
I'm not a Muslim, so I may be wrong, but I would imagine you would bring up the issue to an imam, who would apply fiqh, or jurisprudence, to the sharia, and would then issue a fatwa which would inform practice of the ritual of Ramadan.
Doubled the value of this concrete
"Oh shit, we're fucked," Garcia reportedly said as he pulled him out of the Ferrari, owned by bedding magnate Michael Fux.
The front brakes say "Brembo" on them, probably because they're made by Brembo, and they're the most impressive part of the GS. It's ironic, because the most powerful and evocative part of a car with a badge that means "Grand Sport" is the stopping part, not the going part.
This is the worst thing to happen for Cuba since the Bay of Pigs.
OMG you should call the Pentagon right now because I think you might be the first person to think of that!
Quarterfinal game (if we are so lucky) could be on 4th of July
My guess, is they were half asleep. Two different shifts, three kids and driving Texas distances to work makes it seem likely to me.
I present to you the Mini Cooper longnose.
Bad Photoshop aside , I just find the new generation a bit "gangly" It looks awkward in Photos, yet in real life .. its not too bad. It looks like the previous generation was punched and now its inflamed.
What are the odds of a car being mangled by a bear, then taking it to a place called Smokey's Auto Detailing?