White Guy here... can confirm
White Guy here... can confirm
“86" actually comes from the food service industry. They often have a count of how many of each dish is prepped for that night. If something runs out, it is “86". I guess they could have picked any impossibly high number but 86 it is. example: “ 86 meatballs”.
Not as to the anonymous readers, but as to the individual who asked for legal advice. Thats why they cautioned us in law school never to casually dispense legal advice to family or friends at cocktail parties or something, because by advising them on a legal matter you could be considered their attorney if thy…
Not to you but if he is providing legal advice to the individual in response to their question, that could reasonably be considered the formation of an attorney-client relationship. At least thats what they taught me in law school.
There is no excuse for every window to not be auto up/down in this day and age. one of my pet peeves.
Sorta can’t blame him. Dispensing legal advice like this could be construed as forming an attorney-client relationship.
Danger Zone!!!
thank you for your service
I am figuratively in shock by that
I know what you mean. Its not a slushbox and lacks the inherent creep-ability of a torque convertor.
It appears to be a commercial for CBB, a mobile phone service in Denmark.
It looks like a commerical for a Danish cell phone company called CBB
Sat behind this kid in High School physics. Glad to see he is doing it big in the NBA.
What? you think your husband needs therapy because he is faithful to you? what a world...
You cain't lick our 'Cocks!!