
I keep hearing these takes, and I just don’t get it. Thieves stole shit that wasn’t theirs. When the cops tried to apprehend them so they could be held accountable for their crime, rather than comply with lawful orders, they did some dumb shit that got them shot at. A moving vehicle is 100% a deadly weapon if used in

It’s so easy after the fact to say “Man they were unarmed, those bad bad cops”... If you don’t comply with a policeman ordering you to do something, and you proceed to not show your hands, then the policeman might have to protect him or herself, I have seen multiple of these cop shows from the US, where a suspect can

Wut? It’s completely standalone.

VR hasn’t been limited to the wealthy for quite some time. As someone who bought a decent VR kit several years ago for a little over US$200 (at retail), there’s a much bigger problem: there just aren’t a lot of VR games out there that I’m interested in playing.

Rearly? I got a pre-built computer for 700 3 years ago and it does VR just fine

Yes, do you not understand what “Standalone” means?


$300 is pretty cheap.  

You are incorrect.

Yeah, I’ll agree with the “VR is the future of gaming” loons being a little overzealous about the importance of the tech but I’ll add to the objections on VR being a “niche toy for the wealthy”. I’m definitely what you’d call “bottom bracket” and I have a Quest 2. It didn’t cost me any more than any other game console

A Quest 2 is 300$ brand new. It’s a standalone device.

Ooh, what’s this article? Scenes from an upcoming Dr. Strange movie? Well, I am a spoiler-averse person, so I could merely choose not to click on it. Or, and bear with me on this, I could click on it to whine about it, respond to myself with extra whines, and finish it off with a “I might quit this very website” type

Those social media posts would be labeled as misinformation for sure and there were definitely Youtube videos taken down for discussing it. Not sure of any channels removed, but it was accepted gospel that if you were vaccinated and caught COVID, it was a rare breakthrough case. In fact, they’re still called

Oh shit, I AM in the Sociopath Database! But yes, that's me not defending him. It's me explaining why people might want to listen to him. Again, nuance. But good job digging through eight months of my comments to find something in the ballpark of the smoking gun you were looking for, you goddamn lunatic.

Tell me you don’t understand comedy without saying you don’t understand comedy:

But couldn’t you show it to your kids and also explain that back then that was more than common in films from the time for a variety of reasons (in 1957 with the Broadway original Robbins tried hard to cast all the Sharks with latinx characters but couldn’t completely just because at the time there weren’t enough

I’m sure your children would be MORTIFIED!

I don’t want the idea of redoing Hollywood classics becomes a thing

It’s not a remake of the 1961 film. It’s a new adaptation of one of the great Broadway musicals, which Spielberg was a fan of as a child (via the best-selling soundtrack) before the Wise film was even made.

I can’t ignore the universal praise.