
How is this propaganda?

Are all works of fiction based on a true story obligated to be 100% faithful to real life?

The “I can’t be anti-Semitic since Black people are the actual Semites” part is laughably bullshit. His comments weren’t just broadly anti-Semitic, they were directly and specifically anti-Jew, and arguing terminology doesn’t make it any less hateful to co-sign the statement that “Jews are wicked”.

One wonders how the issue would have been framed if the statements were made by, say, Michael Fassbender or Armie Hammer.

For what it’s worth, I remember an article a few months ago when that show Hunters got a bit of flack from the Auschwitz Memorial for basically inventing atrocities that happened there, in a way they felt trivialised the reality and distorted it in a way that some could use as a way of obfuscating and even denying the

The very fact that they waited a full day until after his apology to post something, rather than right after the news broke yesterday, is telling enough.

Quit with the fucking kid gloves. Nick Cannon is a fucking idiot, but this does not make his disgusting views (look at his ill-informed screeds on Planned Parenthood) any less appalling. Him, DeSean Jackson and Stephen Jackson should be out of whatever gigs they have, not patted on the head.

Take a peak over at The Root and Harriot’s recent article on Cannon if you want to see another, ah, view on this whole thing.

Anti semitism is a form or racism and black people can't be racist as racism requires both prejudice and power.

While I have no doubt that Gomez is less of a hack than Barsanti, that’s the issue with the ‘oppresion olympics’-style politics isn’t it?

Now you gotta decide whether it’s more woke siding with the Blacks or the Jews as the more oppressed minority, especially what with all that ongoing BLM/systemic racism/white

Yes, it seems that a black man dealing in horrific Antisemitism is acceptable for the AVClub staff. Disgusting.

So therefore the only way they can act is evil. They have to rob, steal, order to survive.

In the age where shitstorms start over a couple of bad taste twitter jokes, the reaction to this cunt’s full-blown antisemitic tirade is waaaaaaaaay too forgiving. Fuck him, fuck Fox and fuck whoever defends him.

Lol this is fucking ridiculous. It wasn’t like he made a Howard Cosell-style flub; he had a whole-ass thesis. He knew exactly what he was saying. You don’t suddenly not become anti-Semitic in the space of 24 hours. He needs to go work in a library or something, not host a national TV show.

The “true Hebrews” thing is what really gets me. He wants to be Jewish so badly? Ok, the next time they start sending trains to Auschwitz, I’m sure Nick Cannon will gladly volunteer himself (more likely, I suspect, if prodded, you’d find out he was a Holocaust denier as well)

This is an interesting point; I also noticed that the tone of this piece is much more willing to forgive than these sort of articles usually are. I can’t tell whether it’s that Gomez is just less obnoxiously catty than Hughes or Barsanti, or whether it’s buying into the fallacy that Black people can’t be racist (and

It’s interesting to me to watch how AV Club writers handle these sorts of things. Usually for this kind of deal, I’d expect them to go all in on how terrible and indefensible Cannon and his statements were, linking back to their last three thinkpieces already on the subject, and tearing into the Masked Singer for not

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“Outdated” is a pretty weak description there, AV Club.

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