It’s true, they’re essential and irreplaceable. If only there were a way to buy games online and download them directly to your console or PC. Man, wouldn’t that be great?
It’s true, they’re essential and irreplaceable. If only there were a way to buy games online and download them directly to your console or PC. Man, wouldn’t that be great?
This is a feature of dumb/insecure critics clinging to realism and eschewing the more “fun” genre stuff to seem smarter than they are. A truly great critic makes no distinction between genre/pulp and more “literary” stuff because they aren’t quality markers just types of storytelling.
Read 11/22/63. It’s up there with his all-time classics, and he sticks the landing.
After I got over my initial disappointment and reread the series a couple more times I realized that it’s a pretty damn good ending.
Few people are willing to stick up for convicted rapists, a category that does not include Woody Allen. He’s undoubtedly a creep for marrying Soon-yi, but that doesn’t seem like a good reason to cancel a contract for his memoir.
If Hachette had simply never offered Woody a contract, that would be one thing. But they did make that decision, and then Ronan whipped up a campaign against Hachette before we even knew what was in the book. It’s like there was a heckler’s veto, and the hecklers won because they were annoying enough. This…
Because I have always found the whole marrying your partners adopted daughter thing beyond crepy. It isn’t illegal but it is... ick.
Oh God, I hate this one. First of all King is right if you don’t like it don’t take part. The protesters of this book are honestly Kissin cousins of those loons against Drag Queen Story Time in libraries. If you don’t want your kids to be read to by a Drag Queen don’t bring them.
Woody should have had Moses Farrow write the chapter (if there is one) covering the controversy. Most people still don’t know that one of the other children supports Woody’s story and witnessed that Dylan was coached by Mia Farrow. And because I’m sure the next thing to do is to disparage Moses, he’s a well-adjusted fa…
I liked the beginning of Season 1 but didn’t like the 2nd half of the season as much. Season 2 was a slog. I only watched it because I’m no quitter. I then realized that I AM a quitter and had no intention on watching Season 3 but by golly, this looks awesome! This (from what I can tell) is what I wanted from this…
RE: Jim Carrey
Spoken as someone who’s either never seen Zardoz or has seen it.
I liked the Tom Cruise one, the most recent adaptation on BBC was brutal.
We are NOT friends!
Wes Anderson backlash is so strange to me. The guy has generated little-to-no controversy in 25+ years of making major movies and he puts out a reliably solid (and lucrative) product.
Also it really is his thing, and his thing only. I hope he never changes.
I know there are people who get tired of Wes Anderson because he only does The One Thing, but I still get excited over every new movie of his. I mean, yeah, he only does The One Thing, but he does it so well.
Jojo Rabbit was probably top 4 movies of 2019 for me.
We watched the movie last night and both loved it. It was a funny movie with a lot of heart.
Do you guys really need two reviews trashing this movie (which I quite enjoyed)? Dowd already did one.