
Well, Susan...

Boy could I not be less interested in this ouroborous-esque, human-centipede like desire to devour ourselves. Movies, TVs, and books from another era can’t be (and shouldn’t be) held up to the current flavor-of-the-week purity tests.

That’s true but there are a lot of ‘woke’ folk out there who aren’t great with subtleties.

It holds up insofar as everyone’s ingrained homophobia is more of the joke than anything else. Their idiocy being the point of ridicule is light years more preferable than Friends gay panic.

I think you might have watched an entirely different show by accident.

“We as a culture” are mostly enjoying his standup and his Netflix show, and probably this upcoming book.

If even friggin’ Jerry Seinfeld is too “offensive” for your sensibilities, comedy might just not be for you.

Hot take! I enjoy his comedy and also realize that he can be a little cranky because he’s old and things have changed a lot. I know what I’m getting when I watch him, and I don’t expect anything else.

Welp, it looks like Jerry is old enough and put enough things into the world to be hated by the internet.  Congrats Jerry.

I really don’t understand this universal love for Billie Eilish. Musically speaking, she is not doing anything revolutionary or challenging. Bad Guy is basically only a two-note song, there is no melody, and she is barely singing (I would call it boringly whispering). Is it because she is super young and not

I’m old. I know this. I don’t get Billie Eilish. 

I hope she uses the time off to reflect on what behavior constitutes “empowerment” or black feminism? I’m actually more disappointed in those who intellectualize & excuse excessive behavior that degrades oneself and the very culture which helped our ancestors survive the dreadful days.

The absolute biggest problem with these new movies, is the fact that they were not planned.


The same can be said of TLJ.

But...that’s exactly what TLJ did. Took everything that had been set up in the previous movie, including how the characters behaved, and said, “Yeah, fuck that. I’m doing my own thing.” What’s Abrams supposed to do when he gave Johnson all these gifts to work with and he threw them into a burning dumpster. Johnson

Meh, that’s a lazy cop out. We have imagination at home. I came to the movies for a story with an ending. The filmmaker is the creative. Why do I have to finish HIS story? He’s the one who claimed to have a story to tell.

I am. I guess it felt like there was more going on there besides just a game of ‘What’s in the mystery box?’ This was just two guys and the mysterious room upstairs that no one is ever allowed to go in because.... because.

Oh I don’t know. Some supernatural sumptinorother. A siren. An angel. The heart of an alien. Whatever those lovecraftian tentacles belonged to. Something.

A lot of build up to the big reveal at the end.