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    But I’m sure you’re an absolute joy when it comes to movies…

    Outside of Jar Jar, He’s THE problem. If they cast the part with Haley Joel Osment, the entire tone of the first film would have been completely different… Heck, his performance begets better performances from the rest of the actors would change everything and would have influenced the next two films, regardless if he

    I’d put Last Jedi as the worst. By a mile... I’m not sure I know many people who have ever made it through the whole thing. Then from there I’d go with Ep. II, Ep. I, and Ep. III. And is Rise of Skywalker any worse than Solo?

    Believing in conspiracy theories isn’t empathy.

    Why? Her performance isn’t particularly that good, she isn't given that much to do other than mope. Having no subtitles for her non English speaking scenes didn’t help...

    How do you manage to enjoy a cocktail with that strange stereotype taking most of your limited brain capacity? The article is a a beverage, not your obsession.

    Such a scary world out there, eh, kiddo? 

    You put quotes around woke. LOL. Nothing says wokenstein without an ounce of self-awarenes more than being so scared of the word that defines you…

    Gender IS a social construct. Which has nothing to do with sex… Which is why people choosing their “gender” just to play make believe regarding what sex they are is just comical. You don’t choose your gender any more than beef or chicken would choose their meat. 

    Going along with somebody’s delusions hardly seems empathetic… Heck, as if men treating being a woman like cosplay have any empathy OR self awareness.

    As a fussy child with different political opinions than Tim, I can only say fussy childish things… How dare him think different than me!!!!!

    Hey now - don’t go assuming their genders!

    Says the gender fascist...

    99% of men/women don’t make pronoun usage an issue. Relax. It’s just how most of the entire functioning world communicates.

    You’re not non-binary. There’s no such thing... You may as well tell people what adjectives to use around you.

    Better than begging to seem virtuous to a bunch of anonymous people in a comment section, eh?

    No. You’re just looking for something to complain about... Which is the definition of annoying.

    Go back to the kitchen. The Rock didn't need your permission to comment on it... 

    If you consider constantly getting random issues fixed a form of maintenance.

    Speaking of performative and supposedly not caring, you should look up the definition of irony.