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    Less speach for pervy fucking groomer trash would be splendid.

    Neither are you, kiddo. Fortunately they weren't talking about any Amendments, eh? People have different opinions than you. Grow the fuck up.

    Fortunately, the adults in the room include WOMEN. Actual fucking women. They're as tired of this pervy charade as Dave is.

    How exactly is a group of privileged men treating being a woman like it’s a costume “marginalized”?

    Wow, hot take there, kiddo. In other words, you didn't have the patience to read it...

    You're talking to oversensitive children that think gender as cosplay. There are stray dogs wandering the streets with a better sense of values. Don't feed the trolls, they'll never be happy. They're like less articulate and more violent fascists. Until you agree with their every fashy belief they'll never be happy.

    At least they’re not throwing Molotovs? Gotta look at the bright side with these violent and dishonest neo fascists.

    I thought the proper "summer of love" way was to take over multiple city blocks, having armed anarchists guarding the “borders” and assaulting anyone who questions you. Or you could try to burn down a building while people are still in it. I guess there’s always shooting up a charity softball game. You animals always

    Fortunately Michael Reinhold isn't around anymore, eh? 

    It's as if far leftists have no sense of self awareness... 

    If you don't like it, don't move there. If you've never been to France, as a whiny, entitled child, you'd absolutely hate the place. 

    The irony is 1/3 of the people here think their gender is cosplay. A stray dog has a better sense of identity and values.

    I assume you think there is no such thing as a woman? Which means you have no values. Which makes you less than an animal.

    Heaven forbid women comedians speak out about men appropriating being a woman like cosplay. Time to get yourself a helmet, women tend to speak up when their rights are being trampled on.

    Your dates haven't been very honest with you, eh?

    Neither of those things is a “grind”. It’s one of the greatest games ever made. Dive in, be strong and enjoy. I’m 170+ hours in my first playthrough and I'm already thinking about my next character. It's a truly special game.  Never ceases to amaze me. 

    Almost as "punk" as whining about someone for (potentially) finding a more desirable place to live.

    Enjoy prison. I'm sure you'll be really good at dropping your soap...

    TLDR: I'm ignoring all of the facts because of tired gender talking points.

    Preemptive victimization. How cute...