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    Nothing wrong with dress codes. Heaven forbid people have to pull their pants up or take off their construction shoes/hat before entering an eating establishment. All these whining Everything I Disagree With Is Racist kids need to get hobbies. Desperately.

    If you’re feeling brave. You should try playing “Outlast” only at night with headphones on. That’s the scariest gaming experience I’ve had in my 30+ years as a gamer. You have to get in the mindset to enjoy a horror stealth game, but the atmosphere is very horrific and creepy.

    You sure you watched the whole thing? There are a lot of new scenes and shots. DEFINITELY more than 1 minute.

    It’s not rumored - The Whole Bloody Affair exists. Color House of the Blue Leaves scene and everything. I just wish it had the Michael Jai White deleted scene put back in. 

    But that sounds about as appealing as having to fill up my gar with gas every night. Which is also counterbalanced by the fact I live in an apartment complex, so there is absolutely no way to charge my car and I’ve lived in my small town for several years, have yet to see a single charger out in the wild.

    Silly comment - taking his clothes off hardly proves that. The fact his clothes were on the bank makes it sound more like he DID go in the water on purpose; hence the taking off of clothes.

    No, it really wouldn’t. Making a home remedy isn’t practicing medicine at home- or you should call the feds on me and every other person that makes tinctures...

    He’s the “phrenology” if you have absolutely no idea what phrenology is.

    “a lengthy anti-diversity document”

    What is “toxic masculinity” and what on earth does it have to do with some people quite possibly being uncomfortable around somebody dressing up as the opposite sex?

    To be fair - you were born a man, so technically you should be a good driver, according to these supposed horrible people you kept hanging around while working on your car/motorcycle. 

    What’s so “ridiculous” about beautiful women holding pit lane signs?

    Ah, gotta love that liberal tolerance.

    They DO have the same basic rights.

    If you were a real creative, you’d want the OS it comes with, and if you’re using Windows, you’re paying less for stuff, anyways.

    I honestly don’t know a single car enthusiast that would even consider a VW, let alone step on a lot to look at any of their cars. Apparently there’s ONE person out there that would cross-shop a Mercedes with a McVW...

    I hate seeing a young blogger suck all of the soul of depression by trying to write a clever community college level book essay out of something that many of us seriously suffer from on a day to day basis. Unforgivable.

    Learn how to cook properly and there’s absolutely no reason you should be using MSG. Good gods, what cookbooks and recipe resources are you using where there are ANY with MSG?

    Has absolutely NOTHING to do with racism. Jesus Christ, I’m starting to wonder if young far leftists even know what the word “racism” means.

    It’s definitely not forward thinking. If you like productions that aren’t very detail oriented, you’d probably like American films from the 50's where they made little to no effort to either cast the right people or get the accents right. In this day and age, it’s unforgivable to not just cast... Russians.