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    Anything regarding food, white people enhance/evolve/improve. There’s a good reason why the best chefs in the world are white: we know how to season our food.

    Young African American males make up less than 8% of the U.S. population yet are responsible for over 50% of violent crime in the country. Show one ounce of accountability for the problems with your own culture. Blaming white people is getting old. We are not your babysitters. You aren’t children.

    “The ability to hide in numbers. The ability to oppress others even though you are a jack-shit coward. The idea that you are supreme to another human being while lacking empathy, courage or common decency.”

    Calling out the alt-left is one thing, but when will state and federal lawmakers do something about Antifa?

    He’s 68, slightly obese and looks older than my 80 year-old mother. He is far from being in good health. Cardiac issues (if he doesn’t already have some) may be his demise, sadly.

    “You can’t give any fucks about black people if you don’t give any fucks about people.”

    This reads like the blog of an entitled preschooler. Are we supposed to change your diapers and wipe your bottoms, too?

    “Hands up, don’t shoot” was a lie.

    TLDR: In other words; we’re still you’re little incapable children. Give us more privilege, give us more free stuff. Regardless, whatever you give us - we’re going to run right into the ground. Merit and accountability are “white supremacist.”

    Anti-cop people are creepy. Though, I’m sure if you’ve got something to hide, are on probation, or simply don’t have impulse control, must be hard to be around law enforcement.

    What does that make you? Excrement?

    Well, if you’ve watched any interviews with the lady that bought the street, she said, “Uh, I’m not trying to make money” when asked what she was going to do with it.

    A small HOA for one small block is your idea of “rich people”?

    Kiddo, there are no “nazis.”

    I can’t believe I’m living in a time of the most coddled and useless youth, and you entitled children keep talking about “nazis” - you’ve taken fascism to a whole new level.

    Actually, change “The right” to “Muslims” and plenty of little white-guilt SJWs will do and say anything to support their religious freedoms. You kids, so little life experience, even fewer stereotypes... Get out more - there are no “nazis”, fascism has been co-opted by the regressive and entitled young and lost

    When you talk about the “fascists”, are you talking about the old school ones or the current leftist version?

    No kidding. Look at the racist thugs currently making life a living hell for BART commuters... Getting worse by the day, and BART continues to coddle these feral animals.