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    Meanwhile in Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit and every other urban war zone... Not so peaceful.

    I’m just glad we at least have more informed people like Charles Barkely and Richard Sherman talking about the real problems. Hopefully enough people will be willing to listen.

    I’m more upset with him completely ignoring the problem; 4% of the country causing over 50% of violent crime and their community won’t do or say a thing about it, because any that do get shouted down and called “Uncle Tom.”

    You’re without a doubt the most inept, disinterested, oversensitive generation to ever poison the earth. You’re not trying. There isn’t a thing millennials do or create that will be remembered a decade from now.

    Good gods, kiddo. Triggered much?

    It’s not victim blaming.

    More like;

    Quit whining, little whiner. He’s right.

    As long as Casper is established as a male ghost, it should be considered acceptable.

    Abortion clinic attacks have killed a whopping total of 10 people over the past 20 years. More people die in your average Father’s Day in Chicago...

    France has no such law other than a law preventing any person from obstructing their entire face...

    Only a badge whore would care if the luxury brand is entry-level or not.

    Sadly, they’re jumping to book 6 with the Dixie Pig/taheen stuff. Though all without Susannah, Eddie, Oy and Father Callahan. Nothing about this sounds promising...

    Funny, people have been passionate about the casting of Roland for YEARS. Once people object to a black man in the role, they’re “racist”.

    Yes, the black-unempowerment Affirmative Action crowd is still whining for more justice...
    It’s not fair that a white writer that created a character is writing it.

    What’s “racist” about pointing out her hair is much larger than the helmet? Would it be racist if it was a white guy/girl with big hair?

    Seems even more fragile how certain people are trying to victimize themselves over this. Are there actually a lot of black women writing/creating comics or just a lot of non-artists whining about the supposed lack of opportunity on Twitter, looking for their daily fix of faux outrage?

    Apparently if you create a character that isn’t the same color as you, PoC will get now mad at you for not Affirmatively Actioning them to write your creation instead. Welcome to the Age of Faux Outrage.

    Racism is racism. It’s just “oppressed” people seem to think they get a pass with it for some strange reason.

    “I can’t begin to imagine what it’s like to see so many people on screen that don’t look like you (i.e. most people you see on screen).”