
I don't use a case on my phone. I do my best to avoid dropping it.

I gotta say... I think the HTC one looks wonderfully built and all, but I really can't stand all that bezel. Regardless of the screen's actual size, bezel mutes the effect. People seem to really dislike the SIII/SIV design (and I agree when it comes to materials) but that screen is beautiful, huge, and feels

I mean... it's not like you had anything (other than time) invested in it right? It would be one thing if something like Steam or iTunes or the Kindle Store went down and people no longer had access to digital content (even those scenarios would mostly have to do with DRM, which obviously isn't a factor in the case of

But you understood the reference, right?

You're right that android isn't as optimized, and that higher-specs-than-apple don't necessarily translate to better-performance-than-apple... but higher specs on an android phone still translate to higher performance than previous android phones. Not being optimized is the nature of an open platform. I think the UI,

if you're one of the bezel-button guys, I don't think I can associate with you

I've been complaining about all the comments regarding the SIII/SIV's ugliness in all of these articles... but I have a question.

Yeah. I've been reading every one of these articles and going crazy over those comments. I disagree that the iPhone looks dated. I think the iPhone is nearly perfect (on the outside) for its screen-size class, but I just can't even begin to understand how you could call the SIII or SIV 'ugly'. I think you just have to

Yeah, he got you there... -_-

"The level of technology, precision and care that goes towards building those hard edges is not something that OEMs were used to until Apple came into the market. "

But again, Apple doesn't feel compelled to do it because everyone knows what the iPhone UI looks like, and the iPhone UI is unique to the iPhone. If you're using your android phone, no one who isn't familiar with every new phone on the market (aka, the people they're trying to reach with advertisement) knows what the

I'm gonna try explaining this patiently and briefly at the same time.

I don't keep mine in a case (they're more durable than you'd think). The finger-printing isn't so much of a problem, but I'll admit that there is quite a bit of fading. The 'Galaxy SIII' logo, where a couple of my fingers usually rest, is pretty much rubbed off. As I said in another comment somewhere in this broader

That's your complaint? My computer monitor says 'ASUS' on the the bottom edge. The HTC One that everyone seems to love (aesthetically) has HTC printed on the front. Every TV in the world says "Sony" or "Samsung" or "Sharp" or whatever on the front. Brand names are more common on open platforms. Most people cover their

"This phone is ugly and cheaply built"

Yeah, the One looks nice.... but that doesn't make this phone 'ugly'. It would be nice to have a little more rigidity. It would be nice if they used a better material for the back-plate... but ugly? To be completely honest, I think the One has a bit too much of a plastic, rubberized look. It's not sleek or pretty.

I really don't understand this sentiment. It's a very thin, sleek, rounded rectangle with a screen on it. It's simple. It's clean. It's uncluttered. It doesn't have the super-rigid, classy iPhone look, but blocky-dimensions don't work on a phone with such a large screen. Please explain how this is ugly. I'm honestly

Well I got it on contract so I only paid $300, but I'm pretty sure the list price was double. Mine's an SIII

While I agree that the iPhone 4 is beautiful, I also can't envision ever turning back from the larger screen size of the SIII... and that blocky design doesn't really lend itself well to larger phones. The SIII may not be THE prettiest, but it's certainly up there among its size class (I'd like the OneX if it had a

"More time maintaining, less time doing stuff. I just didn't have those issues on OS X, so I feel multiple OEM's just cause fragmentation, headaches, and wasted time, but see the advantages and how some would prefer it."