
well you know there was once a self-regulating comment system that kept those things from cropping up...

"but still.... isn't it the idea of a teen that's turning these fuckos on?"

Yeah I'm speechless \

"poorly planned and optimized software"

Hey now, my Android phone was $600.

Okay... I have an SIII.

Now playing

Past a certain point, I really have trouble understanding the urge these guys have to make things so tiny. If it's for TVs, by God, set your sights at the dimensions of an ordinary DVR (or you know, a console). Something "the size of my fist" would be sliding around all over the place, and it would be impossible to

The trouble with pricing is that people are basically moving away from the desktop. When the average person had a semi-decent desktop, with a semi-decent monitor, all they had to spend any extra money on was a video card, and maybe a new processor, in which case they could run most games for $300 or less. Now everyone

Isn't that how simcity has always been meant to be played? Creating one advanced, self-sufficient city has always been near impossible. Right?

I said nothing about sales.

I have no doubt that the hardware will be great, and that it will (eventually) have some really great games. The only thing I'm concerned about is online. They spent a whole lot of time talking about 'sharing'. I want to hear about higher quality voice chat, group chat, a simplified CROSS GAME MULTIPLAYER ENVIRONMENT,

and it's still... really tiny... and you still can't actually hold the thing comfortably in your hands... you still must instead awkwardly cling to its posts with the edges of your palms...

"Who said anything about sales?"

Interesting how all he said was that the PSP, PS3, PSP Go, and PS Vita were disappointing... and all but one took it as a comment on their sales numbers.

Who said anything about sales? The PSP was a really, really nice piece of hardware when it came out... but it didn't have a whole lot of decent games. The PS3 definitely lost this generation. It too is a nice piece of hardware, and it had a few great games, but it's been a monster for developers and it has terrible

You seem bizarrely sensitive about this

"Which Michelle Rodriguez character in particular are you talking about? The one from Fast and the Furious? The one from Avatar? The one from Lost?"

"because the the right to vote was more restricted in the southern slave states"

The whole point of the electoral college is moderating popular vote (not that it really does that properly in the way it's executed)

nope. My desktop has an Intel i5 760, a GTX 460, and 4GB of RAM. I run Battlefield 3 maxed out, 1080p, with a pretty consistent 40 FPS.