
No, but the girl in the video seemed to be the one enforcing it

"Young men who are sexually active outside of marriage are 3x as likely to experience chronic depression."

"As it should be, agrees no one."

Right!?!? I said this in an above quote, but I isn't the opposing theory that the particle in question simply changes state when exposed to photons (which happens when we attempt to take an image of it)

That whole "only exists if its being observed" bit seems so incomprehensibly stupid, and I refuse to believe it. The idea that human observation somehow influences the existence of some mysterious particle really just seems arrogant.

Do you have the enhanced road textures mod? By far the best I've downloaded for it :P

This is my Space Boat.


Heavy Rain?


I miss corridors, indoor environments, health bars, small teams, vehicles that are fun, and round based matches. Can someone please make a shooter that has those things? It's been a while. I'm tired of the visceral, 64-player cluster fuck. Oh, and voice chat would be nice too.

Note that he's smoking outside. I agree with the other parts.

Isn't Apple's profit margin one of the highest of all major consumer electronics companies? I think they could afford better productions standards without changing prices too much.

I'm always surprised by JUST HOW prevalent sports fandom is. I honestly couldn't care less about any sport of any kind. It's not like I have anything negative to say about them. It's a waste of time I guess, but I waste my time watching starcraft matches online :P

Suggesting that he aided the enemy is quite a stretch. Information published on wikileaks is still reviewed prior to release in order to prevent especially sensitive information from getting out. His intention in releasing the documents was to make the American public, and the international community aware of what

Treason is selling out US secret agents, or coordinating/participating in an act of violence or subterfuge against your own country. Bradley Manning released some classified documents, not in the interest of profit or personal gain, and not with the intention of weakening the US government, or harming its people.


Or we could just stop trying to stick our fingers into everything, and rely on specific action if/when monopolies do arise

Okay... now use your words and explain what you mean.