Sacrificing resolution for your children? Casual.
Look at all that wasted space too.
Never have kids.
A bird that shits gold.
Looks liked a bird pooped on someones PS4
The guy was talking out of his ass the whole way. Every interview with him is always the same. Acts like a complete prick and thinks he is for more important than he is. Also that the tech is all that important. It really isn't. Other companies are doing what he is doing and better. That smile in his photo says, "I'm…
I just find it really hard to believe Facebook will allow the Rift to be open-source and not have some sort of Facebook integration.
Nothing said will real in the tempered hatred of the Internet children.
Ah, doge. Thinking about getting a Shiba Inu now.
Much awake.
What? All that did was wake up my dog.
I think you mean yaaaay!
There's always a silver lining...
You don't get the dirt under your nails. That has to be worth something!
NO NO NO NO NO FUCK FUCK FUCK! Disney buys game grumps and then Facebook does this? This week is just going to the pits!
Heck, I would buy 4 PCs for my friend's and I before blowing it on a superfluous GPU that no game will need.
I know this is an extreme example, but shit like this is why most console gamers balk at joining the PC Master Race. I could buy all three next-gen consoles and a new 60 inch 3D TV for the price of this single video card. Jesus Christ.
There are some hints (I forget where, some of the sidelogs?) that these protests are DUP funded and organized. And it's quite possible those chants are also DUP written, which would explain it, like the laughable drek that comes out the TSA/DHS when they're attempting outreach.