If they feature on the shirts or anything, this will royally screw up the Fifa games on Xbox and Playstation xD
If they feature on the shirts or anything, this will royally screw up the Fifa games on Xbox and Playstation xD
Wait wait wait, they actually left out "Crazy Person Who Talks Back To The TV" and "Half-Deaf Idiot Who Asks You To Confirm Every Other Mis-Heard Line of Dialogue" ?!
Oh yeah, it's because of the bad CGI that you can tell it's not a real dragon.
Hey kids! for a pre paid return envelope and 10 dollars, I'll sell you my PS headset! It's even breaks down so you can ship it easily! Duct tape, screws the size of a mouse's penis, glue, soldering gun, and solder are not included! Happy bidding!!! :)
I'm seriously sick of the Ouya fanboys, defending their super cheap and convinient thing, claiming it's some kind of saviour to gaming, constantly bashing other consoles and pcs; gosh darn, they are the worst.
List of worst fanboys in order.
Let the console wars begin!
I'm having a strange feeling which must be what Last of Us fans without a PS3 have been feeling...
I look forward to DocSeuss's arrival on this story to tell us all about how Sony is the worst company in the world and their fans are the biggest trolls in the world.
Aside from that, I would give anything for Sakurai to make something for the PS4.
"Doc, you're so crazy! Everyone takes shots at each other."
Too bad Last of Us' gameplay didn't prove to be as in-depth or interesting as the promotional coverage of it.
In an ideal world, video games are advanced enough to give us "smart" enemies—you know, the type of foes that…
"But I'll probably end up waiting for a next-gen port."
Next-gen? Wow... Enjoy waiting then.
No, but it is willing to let you use it to watch Titanfall videos while you wait.
Is VLC trying to save the day?
There's going to be a metric ton of Titanfall chatter this week: how awesome it is/isn't, whether the online functionality is a triumph/failure, and tips for playing it. That's all well and good for Xbox One and PC players. But what about PS4 owners? Well, Sony would like to remind its faithful that a high-profile,…
"Oh look, the graphics got a tiny bit worse. It looks like shit now."
"It's not natively being rendered at 1080p60, what a joke."
Puritan article? It's an article about how the sexual aspect of the game is distracting people from the cool card game beneath. I'm not calling the game a problem. I'm saying the game has a problem, in that the gimmick is getting more attention than the gameplay.
I've been telling people this for years. Steam (and other online services) are like having impulse buys at their fingertips.
If I found out THAT was the reason my train stopped I would feel just fine about it. Life could use to be a little less predictable.