- *Offers Chrono Trigger*
"Nazis are murderers! I'll kill you!"
Question of the Day: Controller or mouse and keyboard?
Why do non-gamers always have to show that they don't game? Is it some kind of phobia? Right off the bat, the first thing they have to do is disassociate themselves from the words "video game".
That's actually not true. Well, it might be true that no fanfiction has ever been shut down by a publisher, but writers shut down fanfiction all the time.
"When you look at Square's actions they're pretty inconsistent," Brown said. "Most projects that infringe on Square's IP go completely unnoticed, and it's only a few high profile ones that get slapped down. I've just been trying not to post any definitive timeline as that seems to be what actually draws Square into…
He won't make a story mode because... cutscenes were uploaded on the Internet? Are you kidding me?
If it's using their standard toolset, my guess is you'll be able to use any .NET language, including C#, VB#, and C++. Doubt you can use Java.
Wi-Fi-Man, hero to hotel stayers around the world!
My superpower would be always-on Wi-Fi.
The title reminds me of Chronicle. Anyone else see that movie? I thought it was pretty great, if the camera placement near the end was almost too convenient, haha.
You could actually start designing and creating video games now, for free, with a bunch of open source PC software, just saying.
LOL the NSA is tracking you right now..you're on the internet.
Nice article! Good job indeed!!!
One kid makes a tasteless joke and is sent to jail while these kids make death threats and everyone brushes it off. Makes sense..