
I read it as Half Life 2 :l.

You haven't seen the people at Gamefaqs then.

For 3 thousand bucks i would rather buy all the current consoles (PS4, Xbox One, Wii U, 3DS, PS Vita).

It sounds like some kind of hip hop song :P.

I feel they will turn everyone into some family friendly crap forced to fake out reactions on Disney games.

Now playing

Anyone else dislikes MCdonalds now? I feel there are better places to get your fast-food fix.

That's the progress of gaming, my dear friend Mixelon ;).

Thanks for reminding me to play Ocarina of Time this weekend :D.

Except VR is way more interesting.

Bioshock and Bioshock Infinite.

Am i the only one who thinks this looks good graphically? people are totally overblowing the whole "bullshot" and "downgrade stuff.

Minecraft: Borderlands Edition.

I meant for the stuff you said, AA, 1440p and solid 60fps (Although the last one depends on the game).

If only it didn't cost me an arm and a leg to get the hardware for that kind of graphics.

I remember a page that said you could play San Andreas multiplayer on Facebook if you shared it with everyone xD.

I like the city designs, i may buy this ^^.

I hope a lot of games using that technology, there's lots of potentialright there!.

I hope no one falls for this, and if they do, i want to get them away from technology, they are too dangerous for it.

Not yet :C.

I didn't understand but i'll star you anyway.