
How long before Nintendo decides to censor it?

You're welcome ;).

Someone needs to make one like in 9 persons, 9 hours, 9 doors...Seriously, including numbered doors and all that.

What we actually need is a Daycare for men in general.

It's me or the games never look like those videos?

Am i the only one who thinks that this doesn't make any sense?

I'm just gonna wait for Dark Souls 2.

Should i bother to download Arma II with the Dayz mod?

Tried to play this a few months ago, it was some of the worst lag i've experienced in my life (Right there with Brawl).

Skynet is one step closer to World Domination.

I couldn't watch more than 20 seconds without my body, soul and mind suffering x_x.

I have mixed reactions to this.

Hmm, you make a good point.

You're right.

Wouldn't it be more annoying that good?

You're right i think.

Seriously, another DDoS attack?

A bit off-topic but have they shown the PC requeriments yet?.

Vertical video of an argument with the police at 4K...

I get the feeling sooner or later there will be a LoL cartoon.