When are they going to fix the damn bug that makes the Solomon mission not showing up.
When are they going to fix the damn bug that makes the Solomon mission not showing up.
It will probably improve on the final version.
The Ureshino Sightseeing House of Hidden Treasures was erected in 1983
This makes me glad to live in Mexico, the prices here aren't that heart-attacking.
OC actually means Original Character, not Original Meme.
Would you recommend me Far Cry 3?.
Came here from Facebook expecting free games, dissapointed (I already got Poker Night 2 from PS Plus yesterday, and i don't have a 360 for Halo 3.
A cultural island turned into an ad for a kids game.
Civilization V and System Shock 2 mainly, along with some Shadow of the Colossus and GTA V.
Sorry but while i recognize the advantages of keyboard/mouse, calling the people who use controllers "casuals" just isn't accurate.
Reminds me of this:
There's a penis hidden in everything nowadays.
Nope!, That's from Gurren Lagan.
Pokemon | Cosplayer | Photographer
That reminds me, Kotaku never, NEVER does giveaways, IGN does, why can't Kotaku too?.
In my country, yes.
WTF did i read?.
Or GTA V, or Beyond: Two Souls.
I wish they would use another villain that wasn't "Team (Insertrandomwordhere)".
I don't even have kids, but i know a lot of kids who play GTA and his parents think it's another innocent game.