
I’m thinking he may have gotten lucky because the angle he hit the wall let him deflect and bleed off some of the energy rather than a sudden, hard stop.

Maybe, but SAFER barrier and the NFL’s “next generation helmet” can’t rewrite the laws of physics. Going from 150mph to 0 in about a yard still means you’re going to be enduring an excess of 150 to 200 Gs and 50 is lethal. Pad something as much as you want, it’s still going to be the deceleration that kills.

Despite safety improvements, I’m pretty amazed the inertia alone didn’t kill him. No amount of modifying a car can stop your brain from slamming into the inside of your skull, or the stress on your heart from G-forces following super fast deceleration.

Now playing

Apparently the Secret Service trains to pull J-turns in Suburbans.

ABC executive: Hey, let’s do a live version of that show were an actor was injured by the set and sued the producers—Then we can do Spiderman after that!

Makes me feel relieved to ride in New York where all I have to worry about are speeding cop cars going the wrong way down a one-way street and hammer-wielding teenagers ripped on Molly and nutcrackers.


This rider and I have the same path selection instincts and I started getting really nervous @ 0:52 when the trail starts to narrow and the bear is still right on his tail. To pedal even faster when the trail is hardly visible had to have been terrifying.

Hell, grad STUDENTS get paid a stipend.

“It’s something low, unseemly to ridicule a man who must go through life looking like the result of Jabba the Hutt fucking David Duke in a pile of medical waste.”

United Board Meeting:

“Hey God, would you piss on me while I masturbate? Thanks.”

Market forces are a bitch.

Given the tone-deaf statements United has made in the last 24 hours and now the stock price plunging, the board might want to re-accommodate their CEO.

Goddamnit! Damn it. God. Damn. It. Goddamnitsomuch. Just damn it! God fucking damn it! Damn! Goddamnit! Damn it Goddamnit Goddamnit!

Definitely dumb, but not worth losing a scholarship over.

Oh yeah, Clifty Falls is great. As a theatre major we had to sign an agreement saying we would only hike certain trails if we were cast in productions because one year a few students took a nasty fall down one of the ravines.

Yeah, that’s something I noticed when I got down there (I’m from Northeast Ohio). But it’s astonishingly glorious. Hanover also has the benefit of overlooking the Ohio River and being completely surrounded by deep, heavily forested ravines. Autumn is spectacular.

Hanover College.