
LeBron actually had to slow down because he was going to run past Bradley. If the guy chasing you down has to take a few stutter steps to keep from physically running you over, you’re irredeemably fucked.

So, does this mean I actually can’t make my car go forward by pushing on the steering wheel while sitting in the driver’s seat?

After hearing “stable condition,” but not hearing any further details (for days) I got pretty nervous. My mom’s a doctor and I actually asked her what stable condition actually means; it’s a fairly broad definition. Basically, all it means is there isn’t any immediate need for intervention to keep the patient alive.

Standing at a steep angle without any visible support makes Pennywise look like he’s doing the Smooth Criminal anti-gravity lean.

In my daydream LeBron celebrates the dunk by dick-kicking Green into San Francisco Bay.

That’s a really fascinating question. I seriously hope someone can answer that because now I’m really curious.

That might be true, but this one randomly flew up my t-shirt sleeve.

This happened in Austin while biking the trail at Zilker Park.

While living in Texas, I was stung by a tarantula hawk. The pain was so intense I passed out and, once coming to a few moments later, realized I’d actually shit myself. I cannot imagine doing something like that with an even more painful sting on purpose.

People like this amaze me because have the kinesthetic version of perfect pitch. A few of the best dancers I know have an almost magical ability to know exactly what their body is doing, what it is going to do in a split second, and where they are in space. I’ve always wondered what it would be like to be able to do

Thank you. Didn’t know if the term was too esoteric to use.

Losing to Pitt makes a better case for committing honor-suicide than going to the playoffs.

You lost to Pitt.

If glorifying a child-rapist enabler can’t shame a team, losing to Pitt probably won’t either.

“Brandon Bell flattens Bart Houston for a sack! I haven’t seen anyone involved with Penn State’s defense move that fast since Jerry Sandusky chased a school bus... I’m sorry; I’m bad at talking.” —Gus Johnson

WE ARE 10-2!

Interesting. Do they think ozone generated from lightning could have been an aggravating factor? Ozone is a lung irritant and is generated from lightning, but could it occur in great enough quantities to have an impact?

I see grey and would call it “slate grey,” which has a bluish tint.

After some more thought, I feel like I should amend my above statement. Yes, Democrats and neoliberals ignoring working class regions did tip the election, but not because it caused blue-collar voters to vote for Trump. Of course, there was a huge turn-out in the deplorable vote and those were voters who cast their

“My name’s Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, these are my friends, and we’re going to protect the shit out of you against cobras.”