
Putin’s hand smells terrible afterwards, but he’s got him broken-in and the fit is like an orange, leathery glove.

MLK Jr is just staring in revulsion; Lincoln too ashamed to watch.

This article is an example of why it’s going to be a long fucking 8 years. It’s one thing to say that the bulk of Trump voters are wealthier than most, however it doesn’t discount that a number of working class whites who felt alienated the Democratic Party switched their voted for Trump in numbers large enough to

That’s what I keep telling myself. It didn’t stop me from having an unusually bad panic attack about 20 minutes ago, but that’s what I keep telling myself.

Ref: “What’s this 2nd Tom Brady doing here?”

Eddie Vedder can be happy that he gets to see the Cubs lose a World Series before he dies.

The Indians bullpen coach Jason Bere.

Kluber is a cold-blooded murderer.  

We could call him “C.K.” and say it stands for “Cold-blooded Killer.”

You can probably guess by my avatar name where I stand on this (I actually picked it for another article years ago and just kept it).

They should run right at this use the incident as an opportunity to change the team name to the Washington Foreskins. Everybody wins.

What a bunch of crap. Stalin Putin doesn’t use chemical weapons to kill people. Everybody knows his weapon of choice is polonium-210. It’s radiological.

This killed me last night. It makes me think of the “More Cowbell” sketch. The premise is ridiculous, it’s a one-note sketch, it isn’t so inherently funny as it is bizarre, but based on the total commitment of the performer is an instant classic.

Giuliani: “Welp, guess I’ll just finish destroying whatever was left of my legacy that history hasn’t already.”

Rudy, she was in DC (remember how 9/11 wasn’t just an attack on NYC?) because she was elected in 2000 as the junior US Senator from New York (this was the same Senate race where your has-been ass couldn’t even managed to get your party’s nomination).

A coat that says “I enjoy exposing myself to people on K Street.”

1) Shaun Harper’s facial expressions as he’s listens are making my day.

Sigh... Looks like a deep feeling of revulsion is compelling me to immediately stop wearing Goldtoe socks.

“Well, at least he didn’t use the n-word... Oh, goddamnit!”

GOP, you could have confirmed Merrick Garland when you had the chance, but you actually thought Trump could win. Now you might get to watch an RBG-style Justice get confirmed for life. (Damn, it’s hard to type when you laughing this hard).