
SEC: shamelessly enthusiastic about coke.

Conspiracies do, on occasion, occur. However, they’re typically not the giant and complex affairs talk radio aficionados babble on about. That’s because the more conspirators one works with, the easier it is for your plot to be exposed. Despite that, there have been some fairly big secret plots like MKUltra, the

SNL is in one of its transitional phases that happens every few seasons. They have the challenge of finding a new cast plus the added difficulty of keeping the style current. It feels like they’re still figuring out how humor works for the youtube generation and how to make that translate to tv sketch comedy.

Over-the-top people are the hardest to impersonate. Will Farrell and Tina Fey both did beautifully portraying George W and Palin, respectively because they deadpan the actual outrageousness of the their targets. That takes a very light and skillful touch.

Remember: the blizzard isn’t a disaster; it’s an opportunity to try new things... like cannibalism.

The part about keeping the locker room peaceful, I’m pretty sure, was a big part of this. Blatt never seemed to be particularly well liked by the team. The 34 point loss to GS at home couldn’t have helped much either.

The amazing thing is that of the former duo Kiley and Booms, Kevin Kiley was actually the lesser idiot of the pair when compared to Chuck Booms. WKRK has had some weapons grade dumbfuckery in its drive-time block.

“Couch, the TV on.” This is now my retired father’s default sleeping place.

No shit! He probably wants to keep his intestinal tract where it currently is. Playing football six weeks after abdominal surgery seems like a fail-proof plan for a herniation—particularly when said surgery was to repair a hernia. Unless the Seahawks planned on keeping a GI surgeon on the sidelines, sitting out is the


Whoa. It tore up a lot of steal and concrete—This looks like aftermath of a bomb blast. The power of water is something that’s hard to fathom. It took me a minute to see the scale of size because of the people in the foreground. That turbine really is massive!

This is interesting. What are we actually looking at here?

The Victorian era was pretty expansive. Does anyone know more specifically when and where these examples originated? Are we talking 1880’s London? 1870’s New York? Boston?

Yeah, not being able to get tickets to shows on Broadway sucks. I’ll just have to settle for having seen Hamilton when it was in pre-views at the Public.

Johnny Manziel is the Ethan Couch of the NFL. After suffering through two seasons with Ryan Leaf Jr, hopefully Cleveland will be able to get something for his contract (but not likely).

Johnny Manziel is the NFL’s Ethan Couch.

Rafting on the New River is an absolute joy.

“...pickle shaped asteroid.” Is it not reasonable that we rule out the possibility this is Aphrodite’s vibrator?

Biggest assist of Shump’s life.