
As I’m doing my research, I’m defiantly feeling an intense mix of gratitude and sorrow because of the experiences of someone who I was so close to, yet never talked about his experiences, and carried that emotional trauma in secret. Finding out about the little specifics about their experiences is giving me a lot of

Stalin’s Pipeorgan?

That’s kind of my point. Tigers were rare because they took more time and resources to build—And once around the bombing started, they were impossible to build. Your point about Shermans being similar to lighter Panzers is absolutely true. However, it’s worth nothing that the US didn’t even have a heavy tank in WW2

Swarm tactics are definitely an effective plan. Tragically brutal, but sometimes the only choice.

This visualization also makes it horrifically clear that Stalin was not even remotely close to speaking in metaphors when he was asked about his strategy for defeating Germany and replied “They will choke on our dead.”

If you need any further evidence if what a poisonous influence Eugene Landy was on Brian Wilson, check out the song “Smart Girls” off Sweet Insanity, the album Landy (for some reason) produced.

Was he grey yet in the 80’s?

I cannot wait to see this!

I can still see the life-sized orange, blue, and black uniformed Brad Daugherty cutout in my 7th grade homeroom.

Gentlemen, the bar has been raised.

Something I would caution you about assuming is that history is universally directional. Quality of life has, indeed, improved over the course of the last century. However, that is a tiny survey of time and, historically, there have never been guarantees that quality of life improvements last, nor that that they do

“We can market them as weight-loss soups!”

Yes, a moratorium is a temporary halt that is imposed with the understanding that it will be re-evaluated at a later date, typically after more information on the subject is gathered and considered. Even if an moratorium is in effect, it doesn’t mean research on a subject would be banned—if fact, a moratorium would

I fully agree, but still wanted to point it out in case somebody’s curiosity gets the better of them.

The Mossberg 500 is something that I’m also more than happy to endorse for the price.

I know. That was pretty snarky and mostly a knee-jerk vestige from memories of family arguments between my mom and myself (arts and humanities people) and my dad and brother (physicist and engineer).

To be honest, prosecuting these guys for fraud isn’t nearly enough. These guys need to be charged with aiding crimes against humanity. I use the term crimes against humanity without the slightest bit of hyperbole. I mean crimes against humanity in its most literal, naked sense.

“Uh, Dave….Dave—Whoa! I know in the past I might have indicated I enjoy novel experiences— riding in the car, smelling new things, and the like—but this... Oh, God, I’m gunna fall! DAVE, WHAT THE HELL, MAN? Damnit! This is worse than the time you tried to make me walk across that small, grated storm-drain cover.”

Is it just me, or did everyone seem to miss that the article says the White House is calling for a moratorium rather than an outright ban?

Wow. A comment section full of engineers and scientists attempting to have a philosophical discussion is only a slightly more graceful spectacle than two troops of monkeys trying to drown each other in a kiddie-pool full of diarrhea.